It is with complete certainty that I state, all churchgoers have wanted to quit church at some point. There are many reasons people choose to continue going but there are also many reasons to walk away. Here is a list of why people decide it’s a good idea to quit and why I agree with them.
1. This church doesn’t have enough ministries to serve my family.
… yep, it’s time you quit simply attending church and start serving the church. If there is a noticeable need for a ministry and you are aware, YOU need to stand in the gap. God might have brought this to your attention so you have an opportunity to grow in ministry. Volunteer and start the ministry!
2. I’ve been called to a particular ministry and my pastor is not supporting me the way I think he should.
… yep, it’s time to quit attending church and start being the church. If you’ve been called to sing, to preach, to serve, to minister in any capacity and you are looking for an audience… you’ve missed it. There are so many ministries that are outside the four walls that can use your talents. I’ve pastored, sat on boards of charities/churches and supported ministry and the biggest issue with people is, they want to “preach to the choir”. All Ministry in the church should be a springboard for ministry outside the church. If you sing in church, that’s great but you are singing to those who already have the song of God in their heart. (Ephesians 5:19) Sing to those who need “the song”. Sing when there is no glory. No big surprise, but many people love singing in church ( and are certain that is their ministry) where there’s an audience but no one wants to sing to the elderly, the disabled and to the needy. That’s where real ministry lies. The same with preaching, everyone wants to preach in front of the congregation but no one wants to preach and teach when there is no glory. if you have a calling to teach, teach children’s ministry or youth ministry, then use that to build confidence and springboard it to teach and preach to the lost. Teach and preach the word in homes, to the lost and to as many who have an ear to hear.
3. I disagree with their doctrine…
… yep, again quit attending church and become the solution to the problem you see. First, you do not have to agree doctrinally with everyone you attend church with. People are on the life-long path. God does not reveal all truth to someone all at once. Their faith is like a mustard seed which must grow and it takes time. So, if everyone all agreed and no one had any differences, we’d be like the “Stepford wives”. Share God’s revelation and inspiration with those around you. Minister to them. However, remember James when he says first feed others and take care of their needs. (James 2:14-25) If you want to influence someone else with God’s Word, first be their friend and serve them. Jesus built a relationship with the 12 apostles for three years before He opened their understanding to the scriptures (Luke 24:45). God has not called you to condemn through doctrine but to edify and uplift through doctrine. if what you have received is worthy of God’s Kingdom, it must be shared through love … and love is patient and kind (I Corinthians 13:4-8). Also, remember, if you teach, also be willing to learn. Always look for what God is trying to teach you through others.
4. No one cares whether I attend or miss
… Do you seek the approval of man or of God? (Galatians 1:10) If you are an attendee and not a servant, you might not be missed for just warming a pew. However, if you are using the church for what it is meant to be used for… a gateway to ministry and serving others, you will be missed. Those who serve will be missed when they are unable to serve. It is quite arrogant of us to think we should be missed because we are so special and deserve notice for just existing.
5. There are too many hypocrites
… Jesus acknowledged the hypocrite as being a normal part of the church. They are called tares (Matthew 13:24-30) . They are planted by the enemy. They look like wheat (Christians) but are really weeds (non Christians) and the main difference, is one bears fruit and the other does not. We are not supposed to go around trying to judge which is which. Jesus instructs his servants to let them grow among the wheat and in the harvest ( the end times), God will separate the two. You cannot extricate yourself from the presence of the tares or you will be removing yourself from God’s field. You are required to live with the tares and God will deliver you from them on the day of judgment. You survive the field and please God when you rise above the tares and bear fruit in spite of them. The main reason YOU should not judge between the tares and the wheat is because they both look alike and the immature wheat also does not bear fruit. Do not remove a tare because you think they bear no fruit as you might be removing an immature wheat.